ContentBuilder.js 5.5.30
Note: If you have Source Code package (Super license), please refer to:
for additional information.
Getting started
You can choose to run the HTML, PHP or JavaScript project examples:
A. To try the HTML example:
1. Unzip the project files:
- ContentBuilder/
2. Open terminal, go to the project directory and install the required server dependencies.
The example is using Node.js server.
> cd ContentBuilder
> npm install
Note: To run this command, you need to have NPM installed.
Download & install NPM from
3. Run the server:
> node server.js
4. Open from your browser:
http://localhost:8081/example1.html (Default example)
http://localhost:8081/example-canvas.html (New Canvas Mode example)
B. To try the PHP Example, open from your browser:
If you're using Visual Studio Code, you can use the PHP Server extension.
C. To try the JavaScript project, install the dependencies and start the project:
> npm install
> npm start
A browser window will be opened with the example running.
The code for this project is:
The project is using Node.js server:
To use the AI Assistant:
Obtain the OpenAI API key from
Update the .env file with your API key.
Alternatively, if you're using PHP, update the api/config.php file with your API key:
Ensure that the sendCommandUrl parameter is set with the API endpoint for using the OpenAI API:
const builder = new ContentBuilder({
// ...
sendCommandUrl: '/sendcommand',
If you're using PHP:
const builder = new ContentBuilder({
// ...
sendCommandUrl: 'api/sendcommand.php',
Most examples in the package have this parameter configured, so you can run and test them.
Examples in React/Next.js and Laravel are also provided.
The JavaScript project example in this package uses Node.js for the API endpoint /sendcommand.
Please refer to the Node.js file:
For speech recognition (if dictation is enabled), the browser's built-in
speech recognition is used. However, certain browsers may not support this feature.
We recommend using Deepgram for browser compatibility and accuracy.
Obtain the Deepgram API key from and update the .env file with your API key.
Then enable the 'speechTranscribeUrl' parameter in the ContentBuilder initialization (src/index.js).
To use the AI image generation:
Obtain the API key from
Update the .env file with your API key.
Alternatively, if you're using PHP, update the 'api/config.php' file with your API key:
New Canvas Mode
Canvas mode is a new option for seamless (gridless) block positioning. Simply activate with:
const builder = new ContentBuilder({
container: '.container',
canvas: true,
And include additional JavaScript and CSS:
<link href="block/block.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="block/block.js">
You can try 'example-canvas.html' in the package.
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